Tasked with bringing news of the Lizardfolk's call for peace to the Centaurs, our heroes make their way to their home in Euratheon. Upon arrival they are greeted by their leader Barellion Aguastas, and his advisor known as Pharan.
Barellion is relieved to hear that peace is desired, and sends out scouts to inform his troops to pull back. He also agrees to the terms that Farelok put forward. The war is ending, and since the party has proven themselves capable, Barellion asks them for their aid. His son, Chiron has been investigating the disappearance of centaur wizards and sorcerers, and asks them for help. They accept, much to the chagrin of Pharan, who believes it was simply packs of Gnolls that are behind it. Barellion isn't convinced however, and sends the party away.
The group meets up with Chiron, who informs them of a Human Sorcerer that has been hanging around their city right around the time the disappearances began. He hasn't told anyone yet, because he's concerned Pharan is involved. He has spied the two meeting on several occasions, and now Chiron believes Pharan has hidden the human away, concerned that the leader's son was getting too close to figuring it out.
He asks them to accompany him out into the wilderness, where he has just returned from. He learned that Pharan sent the human away to hide until they could make their next move, and that the human has since been taken in by Gnolls, strange half-hyena humanoids that live out in the woods.
The group comes upon the encampment, and after a brief battle they find the human, with a crow perched upon his shoulder. To their horror, they discover that the human has no tongue and uses the crow on his shoulder to speak for him. When they interrogate him, they learn that he had been forced to work for Oman. The wizards and sorcerers were gone by now, and Oman has them. He also tells them about the mysterious island, and that Oman has turned it into a shipyard. Many of Oman's forces are there, but that a large amount of his army has been sent North to further his campaign of terror.
Pharan is also in the employ of Oman, but has ambitions of his own. When the centaur had sent him out into the woods, he used magic to attempt to break free of Oman's oath. While he no longer felt compelled to do his bidding, it cost him his tongue.
The group runs back into town to stop Pharan, only to realize that much of the area is now dark and deserted. When they reach Barellion's citadel, they find large Undead Centaur, and Pharan, who appears to be using strange black magical pillars for power, and Barellion who now lies unconscious at his feet.
After an arduous battle, the group rescues Barellion and slays Pharan. The other centaur are released from a prison Pharan had magically created. Barellion rewards them for saving their city, and with all their affairs in order, the group is ready to head home.
They are eager to hear what Jennu has learned while investigating the strange island.
To Be Continued....
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