The group sent Arradel around the house first to see the source of the smoke that was billowing out from behind the farmhouse. Using stealth to walk quietly against the side of the house, she slowly made her way to the back corner of the building. As she peered around the corner, she saw what looked like an old man standing over the fire. Arradel gazed a bit too long though, and the old man was able to determine that he was being spied upon, and turned around in time to see the rogue.
Arradel braced for whatever evil the old man intended on throwing at her, but something happened that caught her off guard. The old man, began to laugh at the sight of her. A sinister, toothless haggard laughter. Arradel inched away out of sight of the old man, and made her way back to the group. She informed them of what they saw, and they agreed to confront this stranger in a coordinated effort. They would be left confused though, for when they leaped out from around the house, the found only the fire pit, and slowly burning embers, and no trace of the man Arradel claimed to have witnessed.
They took this chance to assess what had happened, and they were met with a gruesome truth. Stepping into the house they saw the farmer's family murdered, and after climbing the stairs to the upper floor, found Stuart, lying dead on the mattress, his liver removed, and a black altar right next to him.
Liaathvain took some paper and coal, and created an etching of the runes to show Versteeg when they arrived back at the Forum. Working together, they then threw the altar out the window. The soft earth wasn't enough to shatter the wretched thing, so they took to smashing it with Bogor's hammer, while Radamyr decided it would be best to burn the house down, with the hopes of destroying any remaining evil inside.
It was at this time, when the bedroom curtains began to really catch flame, and heavy smoke began to fill the air, that the three adventurers, Sheifle, Cypress and Jorga made their way back, and upon seeing the smoke decided to investigate. The four were not pleased in any way to see them, especially now that the three assumed something suspicious had happened. After looking inside the window and seeing the murdered family, they became incredibly suspicious that the four had done something terrible.
A large argument ensued, and things were made worse when they found the severed animal's head, and the altar. Believing the group had just partaken in some kind of twisted ritual themselves, Sheifle (who was creating the biggest fuss of all) threatened to turn them in. Jorga was ready for a fight, while the ever-silent Cypress stood analyzing the situation.
Liaathvain was able to convince them to settle down, and after a long argument, they all agreed to return to the Forum together, where they would consult Versteeg on what had transpired.
When they arrived at the church, Versteeg greeted his son and the rest of the group. Sheifle turned over the artifact he had been sent to retrieve, and tried to accuse the group of evil doings. Once again, Liaathvain and Arradel were able to dispel the situation with their smooth talking.
Dejected, Sheifle headed to the back of the church to carry out his duties, while Cypress and Jorga turned and left. Feeling bold and vindicated, Radamyr chose to express his distaste for the priest's son in front of him. This upset him, and after repeated insults Radamyr was ejected from the church, and told he was no longer welcome there, something Radamyr didn't mind.
Versteeg asked the group to turn over the Worg's head, to help prove to the knights that the threat of these creatures was real. While unable to help them determine what the runes etched out on the altar meant, he did tell them that the court historian in the capital city of Greyholt would surely be able to aid them further. He also asked them a favour, in taking the object that Sheifle retrieved with them to the capital. A paladin by the name of Sir Ravenhold had asked the priest to acquire it for him. The group agrees to take it with them.
Versteeg promises them that all of the town will know of their deeds, and that he will send word by messenger bird to the capital, letting them know that they can expect important visitors in the next few days.
They head to the Donkey to celebrate their victories, and while drinking and being merry, Radamyr starts to sing a song, inspired by Sheifle. The tune is simple, and after sometime singing it to himself, other patrons join in. It's not performed very well, but no one really minds, and before they all head off for the night, Radamyr finds a piece of bar napkin, and writes down the lyrics, dubbing the song "The Clumsy Cleric"
To Be Continued...
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