Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Chapter Six - The Glorious City

There are many natural wonders in the world of Ambralia, one of the most exciting to behold is the Pillar, an incredibly large natural rock formation that the humans of Greyholt have used as a bridge to their city.  The human city of Greyholt is located above the magnificent sunken lake of Emberfill.  The lake is located at the bottom of an incredibly massive chasm, and the city rests atop a vast cliff face that rises out of the centre of the lake.  The only way to enter the city is by way of the Pillar, which the local denizens of town use to set up their shops and peddle their wares to the innumerable crowds of travellers moving in and out of the city. 

Our heroes have arrived after another half day of travel, and have set foot on the massive bridge.  From where they stand they can see the spires of towers and other beautiful architecture off in the distance, beyond the city's walls.

The humming of the amulets is drowned out by the sounds of the busy market place, and the group is able to breathe a sigh of relief.  The group makes their way into the city, where they stop and ask for directions.  The first thing they want to do is deliver the items to Sir Ravenhold, having grown tired of the never ending humming.  They are directed to the Divine District, home to the city's priests, clerics and paladins. They also learn that the court historian is making a special public appearance over at the library, which is fortuitous for them, but they decide that they must first complete their errand.

They arrive at the steps of a massive cathedral, and upon inquiring about the paladin, a man sitting in the front row of pews steps up and walks towards them.  The closer he gets to the two stones the quieter the humming gets, until the sound can no longer be heard.  He introduces himself as Sir Ravenhold, and simply using his holy aura, he is able to silence the evil contained within Liaathvain's bag.  She is immediately impressed.  He tells them the order to retrieve these artifacts came from the Upper Echelons of the kingdom, and that he is happy to now have them in his possession.  He is to begin studying them immediately.  After the group tells them of their adventure, he applauds them for slaying a few necromancers, and offers them some help.  If they tell the guard at the library that he sent these four, they should be able to get inside much faster.  He expects there to be quite a delay to get in.

With their delivery complete, they make their way to a fairly wealthy part of the city, where the library is located for a chance to speak with the historian.  Along the way they are approached by a nobleman, and several guards acting as a welcoming committee.  They inform the group that the Council of Eight requests their presence.  Versteeg's messenger pigeon had done it's job.  They tell them where they can be found later on that night, and that they will be escorted to the council.  They exchange information and then the group makes their way to the library.

There is a very long line, but they walk to the front and introduce themselves, and tell the guard what Ravenhold said.  The guard lets them enter ahead of everyone else, and they walk inside. The room is packed with citizens all listening very intently to what the old man is saying. 

Arradel, Radamyr and Bogor head off to look for information on Verrawayan objects while   he finishes his talk.  Liaathvain waits patiently to talk to him, and when the crowd disperses he begins to answer a few questions for people.  Seeing the opportunity, Liaathvain approaches him and produces the etching.  His curiosity is piqued, and asks to meet the rest of the party.

Meanwhile the other three are looking for any information they can on the orb that hasn't really done anything at all since the incident at the cave.  Wanting to help, Bogor offers his eyes as well, but barbarians aren't known for their literacy.  Bogor is unique in that he invested time to learn to read, while most of his kind doesn't bother.  He searches the bookshelves, and thinking he's found something, he pulls one off the shelf.  

It's got nothing to do with Verrawayan objects.  Bogor has pulled a children's book off the shelf, called "Where's Wyldemere?" A book where the reader is tasked with scouring paintings, and drawings to find the character of Wyldemere hidden somewhere amongst the scenery.

Tibbles, the historian, and Liaathvain walk over to the group and after introductions are made, the historian provides some information on the legend of Wyldemere.  But then they get down to the reason they came. Radamyr also produces the strange green cloth from his bag.  Tibbles is quite intrigued, and he promises to tell them everything he knows after he does some research.  He says he'll need a few days, but once they mention the Worgs, he stops, and tells them that this information will help narrow down what he's looking for.  He agrees to meet them tomorrow afternoon.

He also pulls out a book on Verrawayan objects for them to look at, and then heads away to begin his studies.  The group is unfortunately unable to learn anything useful about their wooden token.

After a long day, they head over to their lodgings to prepare for a meeting with the Council of Eight, the ruling order for all of Dahldrum.

To Be Continued...

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