Saturday, 23 March 2013

Chapter Twelve - The Heist Pt.3

Liaathvain sits at the base of the stairs with a look of shock on her face.  Baltham, the wizard they were only supposed to steal from, lies dead at the top of the stairs. She's heard of Paladins losing their connection to their god for committing certain acts, and she's concerned that this might be one of those cases.  

It is at this moment Arradel has come up from the secret trap door in the basement floors, and after seeing what has happened, looks towards Baltham's bodyguard.  He has ceased his hostilities realizing the one who was paying him is now dead.  Arradel tosses him some gold to keep him silent, and he has no problem with that. She then runs upstairs to search for the compass.

When she enters Baltham's room, she sees a small box in a closet, she opens it up to check for the compass, and sure enough it is in there.  However, before leaving she is curious as to why the Princess thought the wizard was of questionable character, so she decides to scan the room for anything that could be evil, or at the very least, able to be considered evil.  She's going to need Liaathvain complicit in order for their escape to go smoothly.  To her dismay, there appears to be nothing of any kind of evil in the room.  Spying a stack of wizarding books, she decides she could at least use those.

As she heads down the stairs and tells everyone that she has the compass, she tells Liaathvain that the room is full of evil things, including books on dark magic.  The lie succeeds, and Liaathvain believes her.  It's at this point that the fighter hears the sounds of guards clamouring outside, and they realize the sounds of battle, as well as a somewhat burnt through staircase have attracted the attention of many knights.  The group decides the best option to stay hidden is to head into the basement, and the fighter accompanies them.

No sooner do they all make their way down into the basement, do the knights come storming into the house.  Upon feeling a very strange chill run up their spine, Liaathvain detects evil, and to the group's shock, she detects evil coming from right above them, though knowing this doesn't help them currently.  They are very much outnumbered, and they now have only one escape route, out through the basement window.

Radamyr casts ghost sound out the window to make it sound as if there are people running away from the house, which lures the guards outside away.  They take this opportunity to squeeze out from the basement and head for the city walls not too far away.

As they go to leave though, Liaathvain suffers a strange kind of vision.  She sees Eric the Cleric, kneeling by the tree over by the town's church, praying.  Then the vision ends.  She tells the group of what just transpired, and she believes it is her god calling to her.  The church is on the other side of town, and there is a good chance the city is on alert due to the commotion they've caused.  Despite the risks Liaathvain tells them that she plans on going over there, believing her god is sending her there.  

The group strongly disagrees with this move, and after a lot of deliberation she agrees to find a safer route by travelling around the city, instead of through it.  The group finds a wide open enough area, and chooses to plant one of their Feather Tokens.  A tree grows from it, and they use the massive tree to climb over the walls.  

They manage to land somewhat safely, after which something strange happens.  Liaathvain's hands begin to glow with Divine magic.  The group doesn't have any idea what this means, but Arradel and Radamyr both having no intention of following Liaathvain on her crazy mission, tell her they'll meet her in the forest afterwards.  Bogor, not wanting her to go alone, travels with her.

The glow emanating from Liaathvain begins to travel through her whole body, and she is fully healed from their previous battle, which is good news for her, for the fight to escape the Forum is not yet over.

To Be Continued...

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